Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rules for Brides

Rule number one for women looking to tie the knot: Do not mock your photographer.

It’s surprising how an otherwise rational, lovely woman can become like a crazy person when it comes to her nuptials. Tantrums, tears and disturbing threats pointed at the hired help aren’t uncommon. Most woman are rather ashamed afterward, if they were to be honest.

Don’t be too concerned by your overreacting, it’s a stressful day and we understand.

Just be aware that, in three clicks, a good photographer can take you from a Jessica Alba look-alike, to a Whoopi Goldberg clone.

It won’t be pretty but, hey, neither were you. Photographers have feelings too, you know. Even if you were a complete peach at the wedding, we don’t appreciate sarcasm or insulting demands regarding your photographs.

It may seem like common sense not to tick off the person hired to forever immortalize you, but some couples don’t seem to understand the repercussions.

Be polite. Be respectful. Make everyone happy.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

About Your Degree...

Rarely do I brag about my numerous accomplishments (and they are numerous because, let’s face it, I am awesome), but I feel the need to mention them now in order to make a point.

•I was accepted into a prestigious university majoring in secondary education, where I made the President’s list with a 4.0 GPA before transferring.

•Enrolled in photography courses, I had one assignment labeled “Best of Semester” by the head of the photography department, and had another dubbed “Best Ever.” My GPA was, to my intense annoyance, a 3.998.

•I took a position with a local business as an in-house product photographer and was told by a well known photographer that I was a much better product photographer than he was and had great portrait talent as well.

•I began taking wedding bookings and, though I had no experience, got rave reviews from clients.

Even though I had high marks in college, I didn’t finish my degree and I am largely self-taught.

I say this not only to appease all of my rabid fans who are openly begging to hear more about my intensely interesting life, but also to emphasis a statement: A photography degree does not make you a photographer.

Do everyone a favor and stop talking about how you’re "in photography school,” as though taking classes is a one-way route to fame and fortune (if that were true, you would be hearing about the great Rachel and Tobey and Katelyn instead of some old geezer named Stieglitz).

Schooling only aids to polish creativity and teach shortcuts, it cannot teach talent. If you have the talent and the ambition, you will do well. If you do not have these things, you will crash and burn in a huge fiery inferno of humiliation, clutching your diploma.