Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the "Aspiring"

There are two kinds of photographers in the world: those who are and those who are and shouldn’t be. Photography is an art form and should be treated as such.

Consequently, I have no argument with the photographer who takes a few creative liberties during post processing to improve his images. This being said, there is no reason, creative or otherwise, that a collage should be made of a couple’s first dance and a cocktail napkin. But it has been done, I’ve seen it.

Not every Joe Schmo with a camera can be a photographer. Sometimes you’re just a Joe Schmo with a camera. That’s okay, the world needs those too, but don’t drag the title of “photographer” through the mud with your sad little snapshots.

During my college days, I yearned for a professor who told things like they were. I wanted hard criticism and the cold truth: some people are not cut out for photography. Go home to your point-and-shoot cameras and leave the schooling to those who actually have some talent.

If my words seem harsh, it is because they are. The world is harsh. There comes a time in life where dreams must be evaluated based on skills. If you lack the skill you move on to something else. By not doing so, you hurt your peers by defaming the skill and begrudging them scarce opportunities.

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