Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do Us All a Favor

In times of economic turbulence, engaged couples are always scrambling to cut their wedding budgets in ways that won’t make them feel “deprived.” Unfortunately, many couples decide that a professional photographer is not a necessity. The bride had a roommate in college who took a photography course once, and she has a nice camera, surely she’ll be just as good. Better, even, because she’s free.
To those couples, might I offer another suggestion? Instead of entrusting your wedding day memories to a woman who thinks that ISO is a government program, cut the wedding favors; they’re not that great anyway. You know what I’m talking about. The stale candy hearts that read “Taryn and Jim” tucked neatly into little cardboard boxes and staring forlornly up at reception guests from their places on the dinner tables. Tiny pastel shapes of hardened sugar that usually end up on the bottom of guests’ shoes or up the nose of the ring bearer.
To be fair, some married couples do go above and beyond in the favor department. The gifts aren’t usually good, but at least they’re interesting.

Chocolate pieces printed with the happy couple’s photo – Why have your treats printed with your name and wedding date when they can be emblazed with your edible likeness? It’s not weird, it’s fun. Never mind that when your aunt Beth leaves the candy too close to the car heater on the way home that your faces melt together like a grotesque snowman.

Take out boxes you can fill yourselves from the candy buffet- We admit that we liked this one. Who doesn’t love candy, especially when you can pick your own?

Miniature plant – The tiny shoot symbolizes your love when your guests carry them home and watch them grow into beautiful, healthy plants. Not so much when they leave them in the trunk for a week and discover them shriveled and brown with a bit of an odor.

Pop can cozy – Useful, practical . . . at least it doesn’t melt.

Candy apple – A seasonal snack that fit right in the theme of the event. Sweet, satisfying, just ignore the flower girl who has gotten it embedded in her hair.

Mini water bottles printed with the couple’s photo – What guest would not want to have you staring them in the eyeball every time you take a drink? Creepy? Narcissistic? At least they’re recyclable.

Personalized rain gauge - Again, we had to admit that this was cute. Miniature rain gauges printed with “how do a farmer and meteorologist measure their love?” This obviously only works when one member of the couple is a farmer and the other a meteorologist and must have taken some thought. Very clever. And we’re sure that all the guests rushed right home to put up their gauges next to the picture window.

Even if you are in the fortunate position to have an unlimited budget and you don’t need to cut corners, you might consider skipping the favors anyway. If nothing else, you will make a friend with the venue staff that will be saved the indignity of crawling under the banquet tables to retrieve abandoned favors or scrapping fossilized candy bits from the bottom of the chairs. Use the money you save to hire a better DJ. Seriously.

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